Friday, February 27, 2009

Louis Riel

Hello there,

Today i have a special guest he is the ghost of Louis Riel!!!!!!

Dr Omari: Good to see you Louis.

Louis: Its good to be here Dr omari.

Dr Omari: Louis lets talk about your life and the trouble you were in trying to help your people.

Louis: OK, let get started.

Dr Omari: So when were you and when did you murdered.

Louis: I was born in October 22 1844 and murdered in November 16 1885.

Dr Omari: OK tell me about you childhood.

Louis: My childhood was quite well because i grew up in the east bank of the red river . By the time I was seven i started my education. I went to a Romain Catholic school were i learned Christianity. when I was a little older i was sent to Montreal to continue my studies with other two boys. when I had arrived to Montreal I was sent to a college called college de Montreal. This college was run by a Gentleman of a place called St. sulpice. For continuing his education there were several courses he had to take like Latin,Greek ,French,English and philosophy and science. when i heard my beloved death of my father i did not seen him for since I left east bank.
I requested to register as a day student after i left the college.

Dr Omari: Very fascinating, could you tell me about the problem trying to help your people.

Louis: The trouble I had were that I was trying to help my people the Metis,Manitoba and the northwest. I had fought the irrisposiable government. I surfed so much for this. I struggled for my people. I also gave hope to my people. that is what i have to say.

Dr Omari: Thank you very much Louis.

Louis: You're very welcome.

Dr Omari: Thanks folks that all we have today so give a big applause to Louis.

Crowed: !!!!!!!!!!! clap,clap,clap,clap,clap,!!!!!!!!!!!

For more info visit these site: site 1
site 2
site 3

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

James Wolfe

Dear readers today i am going to talk about General Wolfe. General Wolfe was a British army police. He only wanted to fight to help his country expand. James Wolfe was born in Westerham ,kent England. when he had grown fully mature he had joined the military. After few years later and also after few little wars the word broke out of war against French and the British. Then Wolfe had command his army to fight the French and drive them out of the country. After all this,Wolfe had died and also the French commander. This inspired me because it told me to to stand up and fight for my self and others. That's why i chose him. He intersed me because he played a Major role in Canadian history wars. The personality i like is he cared about his people.

The influence people are David Thomson, John a MacDonald and Pierre Elliot Trudeau. I choose them because the fight for freedom , governed very good and a loyal navigator. Davide Thomson is in the category's " we built", John a Macdonald would be placed in " we Governed" and also Pierre Elliot Ttudeau will be placed in " we Governed. My history match up was Tom Longboat . The thing we haved in common is sports. it was a lit hard to find out because i never heard about him. We share the same season of birth. The thing that's different is that we were not born in the same Provence.

In a hundred years from now i would be remember because of brain. I will make Canadian history by curing diseases .Hopefully in the futer i would be named after a hospital. Also i would be known all over the world. Helping other and teaching others. Also I will be known as the greatest doctor scientist in history. I hope in the future people will find my blog and others.

se you later
By yusuf

Samuel Dalembert

Dear following readers,

Today i am going to talk about an African-Canadian.The amazing person i chose is Samuel Dalembert. Samuel Dalembert was born in May 10,1981 in port-au-prince. His career was to be a basketball player. He played i Montreal Canada and in college. He was singed a contract to join the 76Er's.

The things he conturputed means that to give up time to give things. Like he gave up time to hold book coventions every year.Also send money to his poor country Hati. He had sent 76,5o0 to the poor countery he came from.
He is a very exiting person to be talking about

for more go to this website

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Its realy cold

hello again,

today i am going to talk how early settler survived. do you think it really hard today in winter? well it was more harder for the settlers who came to Canada. How they they survived was the would hut for food and store it when winter had arrived. There children would have to do chore every day and did not play with thing like toy games like we do today.also they would die lake of fresh food.they even had to raise animal. that's how hard it was for the settler.

talk to you later

PS: for more information visit this website