Today i have a special guest he is the ghost of Louis Riel!!!!!!
Louis: OK, let get started.
Dr Omari: So when were you and when did you murdered.
Louis: I was born in October 22 1844 and murdered in November 16 1885.
Dr Omari: OK tell me about you childhood.
Louis: My childhood was quite well because i grew up in the east bank of the red river . By the time I was seven i started my education. I went to a Romain Catholic school were i learned Christianity. when I was a little older i was sent to Montreal to continue my studies with other two boys. when I had arrived to Montreal I was sent to a college called college de Montreal. This college was run by a Gentleman of a place called St. sulpice. For continuing his education there were several courses he had to take like Latin,Greek ,French,English and philosophy and science. when i heard my beloved death of my father i did not seen him for since I left east bank.
I requested to register as a day student after i left the college.
Dr Omari: Very fascinating, could you tell me about the problem trying to help your people.
Louis: The trouble I had were that I was trying to help my people the Metis,Manitoba and the northwest. I had fought the irrisposiable government. I surfed so much for this. I struggled for my people. I also gave hope to my people. that is what i have to say.
Dr Omari: Thank you very much Louis.
Louis: You're very welcome.
Dr Omari: Thanks folks that all we have today so give a big applause to Louis.
Crowed: !!!!!!!!!!! clap,clap,clap,clap,clap,!!!!!!!!!!!
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